Which Types of Insurance Should You Choose When Renting a Car in Istanbul?

  1. Mandatory Traffic Insurance (TPL)
    Mandatory traffic insurance is the most basic type of insurance required for all vehicles in Turkey. This insurance covers the damages to third parties in case of a traffic accident. However, it only covers damages to third parties and does not cover damages to the renter or the vehicle. Generally, the rental company provides this insurance, but it only guarantees your liability towards third parties.

  2. Comprehensive Insurance (Kasko)
    Comprehensive insurance covers damages to the rented vehicle, theft, or damages caused by natural disasters. In a busy and high-risk area like Istanbul, comprehensive insurance provides significant protection. Many car rental companies offer this insurance optionally, and it covers damages caused by the renter as well. However, comprehensive insurance is usually offered for an additional fee.

  3. Zero Own Damage Coverage (CDW)
    Zero Own Damage Coverage (CDW) is a type of comprehensive insurance that covers minor damages to the vehicle during the rental period. However, this insurance is usually applied with certain limits. It also protects the renter in case of theft. CDW insurance is recommended for driving in high-risk areas. It covers any damage that might occur during the rental period, preventing any additional payments beyond the rental cost.

  4. Theft Insurance
    Theft insurance ensures that the owner or renter of the vehicle is compensated for any financial loss in case the vehicle is stolen. In crowded cities like Istanbul, the risk of car theft is high. Therefore, theft insurance is an important consideration when renting a car. This insurance prevents the renter from incurring financial losses in case the vehicle is stolen.

  5. Glass and Tire Insurance
    Glass and tire insurance covers damages to the vehicle's glass or tires. In a city like Istanbul, with heavy traffic and difficulty finding parking, it is common for a vehicle’s windows or tires to get damaged. This type of insurance prevents renters from incurring additional costs in case of such damage.

  6. Roadside Assistance Insurance
    Roadside assistance insurance provides professional help in case of any breakdown or accident during your rental period. This insurance speeds up the necessary repair processes and ensures the renter gets assistance if stranded. Especially in a large city like Istanbul, with heavy traffic and difficult road conditions, roadside assistance is highly beneficial.

  7. Personal Accident Insurance
    Personal accident insurance covers medical expenses in case the renter is injured in an accident. This type of insurance is particularly important for travelers. In the event of an accident, it guarantees not only the vehicle’s safety but also the renter’s health and well-being.

  8. Third-Party Insurance
    Third-party insurance covers any damages caused by the renter to third parties. This insurance protects the renter from liability for any damage caused to others or their property while driving. If the renter causes harm to another person or their property in traffic, this insurance comes into play.

When renting a car in Istanbul, choosing between different types of insurance is crucial for a safe and hassle-free trip. In addition to mandatory traffic insurance, consider optional insurance types such as comprehensive insurance, theft coverage, glass and tire insurance, roadside assistance, and personal accident insurance to protect yourself against potential damages or breakdowns. By selecting the right insurance for your travel plans and needs, you can make your car rental experience in Istanbul more secure and comfortable.

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