What to Pay Attention to When Renting a Car?

What to Pay Attention to When Renting a Car?
Especially after the pandemic, there has been an increased interest in car rentals. People prefer traveling with their private vehicles rather than using public transportation like buses or airplanes. However, not everyone can afford to buy a car, or they may not need to use a vehicle regularly, making buying a car expensive. This is where car rental companies come to our aid. So, what should we pay attention to when renting a car? What should we do to avoid any problems when renting a car?
Things to Consider When Renting a Car
You might need a car for a holiday trip, a business journey, or just spending a day with friends. Naturally, you'd want to focus on your holiday, work, or leisure time. Dealing with problems that arise during the rental process or encountering issues with the rented car wouldn't be desirable. To avoid such situations, what should you pay attention to when renting a car?
1. **Collision Damage Waiver (CDW) and Insurance:** Make sure the car you rent has collision damage waiver (CDW) and insurance. Insurance is mandatory for rental cars. However, having a CDW is also crucial. Nowadays, car prices are very high, even mid-range cars are sold for millions. Therefore, it's important to have a CDW in case of an accident.
    Pay attention to the deductible rate for the CDW. The deductible rate indicates the portion you're responsible for in case of an accident. For example, if there's a 10% deductible on a car worth 100,000 TL, you'd be responsible for expenses up to 10,000 TL. Hence, make sure to inquire about the deductible rate when renting a car and aim for a low percentage.
2. **Mileage Limit:** One of the most common issues with rental cars is mileage. When you return the car, the rental company may claim that you've exceeded the agreed-upon mileage and ask for an additional fee. To avoid this, check if there's any mileage limit specified in the rental agreement. Especially if you're planning a long trip, prioritize companies that offer unlimited mileage.
3. **Check and Promissory Notes:** Some companies may ask you to sign checks or promissory notes as a guarantee for potential accidents or damages to the car. They might also request a deposit upfront. Never sign such documents or provide a deposit when renting a car. The rented car should already have insurance, and in case of an incident, you should deal with the insurance. It's advisable to stay away from companies that try to make you sign checks or promissory notes.
4. **Maintenance of the Vehicle:** Inadequate maintenance of the vehicle increases the likelihood of encountering problems. To avoid such situations and minimize the risk of issues, rent a car with proper maintenance. To determine if the car has been properly maintained, check if there's antifreeze in the windshield washer fluid. Also, look for maintenance documents. If you're renting during winter, ensure that the car has winter tires.
5. **Price:** Of course, one of the primary considerations is the price. The rented car should not be priced significantly higher than the market rate. Stay away from companies that try to charge extra by selling unnecessary additional services or offering a higher class of car than what you requested. Determine your needs beforehand, and choose companies based on those needs. Clearly stating the type and size of the car you need will help keep the price within a certain range.
6. **Customer Support:** It's crucial to know whether the rental company provides a replacement car in case of an accident and whether you can ask any questions at any time. 24/7 support should be available both before and after renting a car. Any problems you encounter should be resolved quickly.
In Car Rental with Mat Car Rental
You need to pay attention to all these points. However, during a short vacation or in case of an urgent business trip, you may not have time to consider all these points. Or you may simply want to get in a car and go without dealing with these issues at that moment. In this regard, our company, Mat Car Rental, takes all your needs into account and provides you with the best service. We consider all these issues on your behalf and go above and beyond to ensure you experience no problems.
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