25 Amazing Places to Visit in the Black Sea

25 Amazing Places to Visit in the Black Sea
What are the places to visit and see in the Black Sea region, which hosts many beauties such as canyons, caves, waterfalls, lakes, rivers and plateaus, as well as lush green forests in Turkey? We have gathered for you 25 wonderful places in the Black Sea region with different features and beauties in every season.
Where to visit and see in the Black Sea? The region offers many alternative tourism options to its visitors. Today, plateau tourism attracts a lot of attention, especially in the Eastern Black Sea region. The Western Black Sea region stands out with its mansions, religious, cultural and historical monuments. While Black Sea tours can cover the entire region, there are also local tour options covering specific regions.
The Black Sea, which starts from the Georgian border and extends west to the Sakarya Plain, is one of the regions with the most national and natural parks in Turkey. The Black Sea geography, which attracts the attention of local and foreign tourists, is waiting to be discovered. It is a unique geography with its vast plateaus, where you can find every shade of green, next to the deep blue sea of the Black Sea, with its flowing streams, tea, wine, historical and cultural features. There are many places to see in the Black Sea, which is a cultural treasure in itself. So, are you ready to discover 25 wonderful places of the Black Sea?
List of Places of Interest in the Black Sea
1) Gölcük | Bolu Nature Park
Gölcük, one of Turkey's most popular natural beauties, is only 15 km away from Bolu. All kinds of walking and nature sports can be done around the lake, which is 1200 meters above sea level.
When Gölcük Nature Park was taken under protection and became a park, it attracted more attention and its name was heard by everyone. Photographs and walks in the nature park full of fir, hornbeam and beech trees add color to your life and give you a new life energy.
2) Monument of Honor |Samsun
The Ataturk Statue, considered the symbol of Samsun, was made in the city center by Austrian sculptor H. Kriphel in 1931 and opened in 1932.
Ataturk can be seen in all his majesty on this monument, on a rearing horse on a large pedestal. Mustafa Kemal, standing tall on the prancing horse, expresses the strength and fearlessness of the Turkish nation.
Samsun, the most populous city of the Black Sea, is the city where Mustafa Kemal Atatürk started the War of Independence and is waiting for you with many places to visit and see.
3) Güzelcehisar | Lava Columns from Bartın
Güzelcehisar is located 17 km away from Bartın and attracts attention with its 80 million-year-old lava columns. Lava columns, which are found in Northern Ireland, Scotland and California in the world and only in Bartın in Turkey, attracted great attention because they were used for tourism.
The pier, boardwalks and observation deck on the Promenade offer magnificent views to its visitors in an atmosphere where nature and history are intertwined. Güzelcehisar, where camping facilities are also located, is also very close to İnkumu Beach. Many places to visit are waiting for you in Bartın and the charming town of Amasra.
4) Karagöl-Sahara National Park | Artvin
Karagöl is located among the fir forests in Şavşat district of Artvin. This region is also a registered nature park area under the name "Karagöl Sahara National Park". One of the national park areas is Karagöl and the other is Sahra Plateau. It is located on a total area of 3,766 hectares.
In addition to staying in the national park, which is one of the most important travel destinations of the Black Sea, you also have the option of camping. There are many villages around Karagöl that preserve their originality.
5) Sumela Monastery | Trabzon
Altındere National Park, one of the most important national parks of Turkey, is located in the south of Trabzon, within the borders of Maçka District. There is the magnificent Sumela Monastery within the borders of the park. Sumela Monastery, built on a steep cliff overlooking the Altındere Valley on the outskirts of Karadağ, is known among the public as "Virgin Mary".
Located at an altitude of 270 meters, the monastery impresses with its magnificent location and magnificent architecture. Inside the monastery there is a library, church, priest's rooms, chapel, holy spring and kitchen sections. The monastery, which is one of the must-see stops on Black Sea tours, is visited by hundreds of thousands of people every year.
6) Boztepe |Ordu
Ordu, one of the most beautiful districts of the Black Sea, is located at the foothills of Boztepe. Its depth to the sea is 450 meters. Watching all the beauties of the province and the magnificence of the Black Sea from Boztepe is insatiable.
It is 6 km away from Ordu city center. If you wish, you can also go up and down by cable car. In addition to eating and recreation facilities, there are tree-lined picnic areas. Boztepe, one of the main routes where you can see the Black Sea best; It will offer you a different environment.
7) Şeyh Şaban-ı Veli social complex | Kastamonu
The social complex, one of the most important centers of faith tourism, is located in Hisarardı district, one of the historical districts of Kastamonu. Sheikh Şaban-ı Veli, who gave his name to the social complex, was born in Kastamonu at the end of the 15th century and died in the same town in 1568.
Sheikh Şaban-ı Veli, who studied Sufism as well as madrasah education throughout his life, is considered a great Sufi and one of the Anatolian saints.
The social complex in Kastamonu, one of the well-established cities of Anatolia, includes a mosque, tomb, dervish lodges, asa water, a straw house, a well and a soup kitchen. The mansion, which was built as Selamlık, now serves as a museum of foundation works.
  8) Safranbolu Houses | Karabuk
Safranbolu city of Karabük, which is indispensable for Black Sea travel, is almost an open air museum. Today, nearly 1000 historical houses are under protection in Safranbolu. Each one looks like it has come from the past with its unique architectural style, elegance, aesthetics and magic.
Safranbolu Houses, which are on the UNESCO World Heritage List, today operate as a tourist hotel, restaurant and cafe. The historical Safranbolu Bazaar, consisting of houses and houses identified with Safranbolu, is worth seeing and visiting.
9) Prison Museum | Sinop
One of the most important attractions of Sinop, one of the most important port cities of the Black Sea, is known as the Historical Prison Museum, which served as a dungeon for many years and has now been converted into a museum. When the shipyard was closed after the Crimean War, the historic building served as a prison.
In the prison surrounded by the sea and walls on three sides; There are many famous writers such as Sabahattin Ali, Refik Halit Karay, Burhan Felek, Kerim Korcan. The historical place, which was converted into a museum in 1999, is one of the must-see routes for those who come to the city.
10) Zil Kale |Rize
Located in the Fırtına Valley in the Çamlıhemşin district of Rize, the tea capital of Turkey, the castle has been preserved for centuries and is worth seeing with its lush green view. Zil Kale, which is estimated to have been built on a steep cliff in the 14th century, can be seen from hundreds of meters high with its magnificent appearance.
11) Aydıntepe Underground City | Bayburt
The underground city, located 25 km away from Bayburt city center, is one of the historical beauties of Bayburt. A part of the underground city, which is approximately 1200 m long, can be visited on foot.
This recently discovered city is one of the first settlements in the region. Aydıntepe Underground City seems to be the shining star of Bayburt in the coming days.
12) Karaca Cave l Gümüşhane
Located in Torul district of Gümüşhane, the cave has a total length of 256 meters and consists of 5 separate galleries. You will see stalactites, stalagmites, limestone crystals and columns in Karaca Cave, one of the main sightseeing routes of Gümüşhane.
13) Lake Efteni |Duzce
The lake is located 14 km southwest of Düzce, a fascinating province of the Western Black Sea Region, at the foot of the Elmacık Mountains and at the junction of the Düzce Plain river network.
2 km from Gölyaka district. It is on the migration route of migratory birds in Lake Efteni. Lake Efteni, which hosts a total of 150 bird species, is an important bird observation area in this sense.
14) Kümbet Plateau | giresun
Festivals are held in Kümbet Plateau, which is 60 kilometers away from Giresun and adorned with lush forests and flowers. Kümbet Plateau Festivals are held every year on the first weekend of July.
15) Ballıca Cave Nature Park| Slap
The cave, which is 26 km away from Tokat and named after the Ballıca village of Pazar district, is one of the few caves in the world. In the cave, which has 8 illuminated halls, a completely different natural wonder will impress you when you visit sections such as the billiard room, fossil hall, hall with bats, collapse hall and columned hall. The huge stalactites and stalagmites in this cave will attract your attention. There are some facilities that appeal to tourists at the entrance of Ballıca Cave.
16) Amasya Castle | Amasya
The Castle on Harşene Mountain, north of Amasya, was built by King Mithridates. The castle, which has hosted different civilizations throughout history, attracts attention with its solid structure. After the Battle of Ankara in 1402, Prince Mehmet Çelebi took refuge in this castle. The view of Amasya, the land of Ferhat and Şirin, from the castle, where restoration work is ongoing, gives people insatiable pleasure.
The castle, which has four separate gates, has wells, cisterns and dungeons. There is an underground tunnel with stairs extending from the castle to the Yeşilırmak River and the King's Tombs.
17) Gökgöl Cave | Zonguldak
Located on the Zonguldak-Çaycuma highway, 5 km away from Zonguldak city center, this magnificent natural beauty is worth seeing. Gökgöl Cave has a total length of 3350 meters, 875 meters of which are open to visitors. The stalactites and stalagmites in this cave await nature lovers with their interesting formations.
18) Uzungöl Nature Park | Trabzon
Uzungöl is like a dream garden hidden among the mountains. Thousands of shades of green, colorful flowers, and the coolness of the plateaus create a magnificent environment. Head towards Uzungöl before the buildings increase. Uzungöl is a route hidden among the mountains. Uzungöl, located within the borders of Trabzon's Çaykara District, is a region that receives rainfall throughout the year.
Tourists from all over Turkey and the world flock to see this magnificent natural wonder. A beautiful green environment with a lake view awaits you in nature.
19) Küre Mountains | Kastamonu
Küre Mountains, which were declared a national park and protected in 2000, are located within the provincial borders of Kastamonu and Bartın. Geographical structures such as many valleys, waterfalls, caves and sinkholes in and around the national park are remarkable.
The national park of international importance is very rich in flora and fauna. 40 of the 132 mammal species known in Turkey and 129 bird species live here. The local people largely preserve their traditional values with their clothes, music and cuisine.
The colors of nature are worth seeing, especially in the autumn season. The region has been declared a "Priority Area for Conservation" by the World Conservation Foundation since 1998.
20) Ayder Plateau | Rize
When it comes to plateaus in Turkey, the first thing that comes to mind is one of the most popular places in the Black Sea region. Ayder, one of the cities that has attracted the most tourists in recent years with its hot springs and unique natural beauties, is 19 km away from Çamlıhemşin district.
Ayder is famous for its hot springs as well as its rich flora and fauna. Ayder Plateau is surrounded by pine forests and Kaçkar views. The plateau, which fascinates those who see it, continues to attract the whole world with its fascinating beauties. The plateau, which takes on a different beauty during the winter months and offers accommodation opportunities in all seasons, looks like a holiday resort.
21) Kartalkaya Ski Resort | Divided
Snowboarders gliding over the snow-white snow become an integral part of the Bolu landscape. You will feel energetic with the effect of the fresh air coming from the pine forests surrounding Kartalkaya Ski Center, and you will find peace with the magic of untouched nature.
22) Mençuna Waterfall |Artvin
There are many large and small waterfalls in the Black Sea region. Mençuna Waterfall, located in Arhavi district, is one of the most visited places in Artvin. It is one of the highest waterfalls in Turkey.
The waterfall, which has a height of 100 meters, flows from the valley and pours into the Kamilet Stream after 200 meters. After crossing the double bridge, a magnificent view awaits you.
23) Akgöl Nature Park | Sinop
Located within the borders of Sinop's Ayancık district, on a plateau at an altitude of 1200 m, Akgöl is the hidden paradise of Sinop. It is a great place for those who want to be alone with nature deep in the forest.
It is an ideal environment for nature photographers to take beautiful photos. Wildlife can also be seen in the forest surrounding the lake.
24) Amasra | bartin
The locomotive of tourism in Bartın is undoubtedly the city of Amasra. The city, where Roman, Byzantine, Genoese and Ottoman influences are visible, is one of the most fascinating settlements of the Black Sea. There are many touristic facilities in Amasra, which hosts thousands of tourists every year. Amasra offers you a different environment with its lush nature, sea, beaches, food and history.
25) Abant Lake | Divided
Abant Lake, located at an altitude of 1350 meters above sea level, is one of the most important holiday and camping areas in Turkey. It was accepted as Turkey's 47th national park in 2022.
The natural wonder lake located in Bolu's Mudurnu district welcomes thousands of visitors every season. There is an opportunity to ride a carriage and do sports around the lake. Abant Lake is a completely different beauty that will give a breath of fresh air to those who escape from the noise and crowds of big cities.
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